Client Information
Rights and Responsibilities
We are committed to ensuring that you receive a quality service.
This includes:
- Being treated with respect, dignity & consideration
- Clear communication about your care & the service options available to you
- Being included in decisions & choices about your health care
- Your personal information being private & confidential
- Your right to decline a service
- Your right to have family or carers involved in your care & or present in your appointment
- Your right to invite an advocate of your choice to be involved
As a client of this service it is your responsibility to:
- Be actively involved in making decisions about your care & take responsibility for the decisions you make
- Tell staff if you do not understand what you have been told
- Treat staff & other clients with courtesy & respect
- Respect the property of others
- Take responsibility for the outcomes of any decisions you make
Carers Rights
iREACH Rural Health aims to work with carers under the principles set out in the Carers Recognition Act, which are:
- Carers have choices within their caring role
- Carers’ health and wellbeing is critical to the community
- Carers play a critical role in maintaining the fabric of society
- Service providers work in partnership with carers
- Carers in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities need specific consideration
- All children and young people have the right to enjoy life and reach their potential
- Resources are available to provide timely, appropriate and adequate assistance to carers