Mental Health Services
iREACH offers a range of clinical services provided by mental health professionals. Our experienced team of Social Workers, Psychologists, Mental Health Nurses, and Occupational Therapists have experience in delivering psychological therapies under GP Mental Health Care Plans. We are fortunate to have a diverse workforce with extensive experience and a wide range of skills. All referrals are triaged to ensure that clients are best matched to a clinician based on presenting issues rather than particular discipline.
Psychological Therapies Service (PTS)
The PTS service is for people with mild to moderate mental health issues, such as Anxiety and Depression, allowing up to 12 individual and 12 group sessions as necessary. PTS is not a counselling service; it is about helping people find psychological strategies to change their thinking and behaviours, which impact their mental well-being.
Mental Health Shared Care
This program, funded by the State Government, provides therapy and case coordination for people with severe mental health conditions. Care under this program is episodic and designed to bridge the gap for those that may ordinarily need a tertiary service. Mental Health Shared Care particularly emphasises the physical health of people in the program, given the poor outcomes for mental health consumers. A Mental Health Care Plan is required to access this service.
Clinical Care & Coordination (CCC)
CCC also provides interventions for clients with severe mental health issues over the age of 18 and is provided with funding from the Federal Government. Generally, those working in this program are Mental Health Nurses. This program focuses on nursing interventions such as medication and physical health reviews and holistically addressing mental health concerns.
All our programs focus on perinatal women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, CALD communities, people experiencing homelessness and children under 12, as it has been shown that these groups of people face additional barriers in accessing mental health treatment.
All our services require that we provide de-identified data to funders and collect health measures to show outcomes. If you need help or have concerns about this, you can chat with our staff.
All our funded programs are designed for those on low incomes or experiencing financial difficulties. If you feel that doesn’t apply to you but still need assistance, you can access a service through the Better Access program with a clinician in private practice. The care plan will provide some rebates for your sessions, but there may be a gap.