About Us

Initially funded through the Commonwealth Government Divisions of General Practice program, the organisation has evolved to become a primary care service provider for the Country SA PHN and other funders.

About Us

Our Vision

“Healthy and resilient people and communities”

About Us

Our Mission

Maintaining and improving the health status of individuals and rural communities through the delivery of well-designed, respectful, compassionate and innovative services that foster hope and connection. Our services respect diversity and empower people to live lives that are meaningful to them.

About Us

Our Core Values

1. inclusivity and diversity

2. Respect and compassion

3. Empowerment

4. innovAtion

5. Connection

6. Hope

About Us

Quality Statement

The iReach Rural Health Board, management and staff are committed to ensuring that iReach Rural Health produces quality outcomes that meet the expectations of funding bodies. The organisation is committed to producing a quality product that satisfies contract requirements, meets the needs of end users in the health industry and complies with legislation.

The iReach Rural Health Board has committed to the ISO quality management framework in managing its business affairs and in pursing continuous improvement.

About Us

Quality Objectives

In order to achieve our vision and mission iREACH Rural Health will:

Minimise geographic, financial, cultural and other barriers

Create opportunities for innovation

Maintain effective organisational and clinical governance practices

Establish the organisation as a preferred provider of primary health services

Recognise and value the importance of community connection

Build strong partnerships


What are General Practice Networks?

Established in 1995 as the Murray Mallee Division of General Practice, the organisation has evolved to become iREACH Rural Health,
a primary care provider to the Country SA PHN and other government and non-government funding bodies.

Our current programs have been funded in response to identified needs in the community and services include:

Youth Mental Health

We are the lead agency for headspace Murray Bridge, headspace Mount Barker and headspace Victor Harbor which provides holistic early intervention services through a range of primary health care providers and consortium partners.

Mental Health Team

Mental Health Clinicians provide services from our Adelaide Road office and through general practices in outlying communities.

Alcohol and Other Drug

Alcohol and Other Drug Counsellors provide one on one counselling and group programs from our Adelaide Road office.

Continuing Professional Development

A needs based program for General Practitioners and relevant Primary Care Providers.

About Us


iReach Rural Health is based in the major population centre of the region – the Rural City of Murray Bridge. It includes an area of 23,000 square kilometres from the eastern Adelaide Hills through to the Victorian border. The Sturt Highway and rail route from Adelaide to Melbourne pass through the region. The River Murray, Coorong and Murray Mallee areas are significant environmental features.

The general practitioner workforce in the region operates from practices in seven towns, with outreach Clinics to some smaller communities. In addition, there are regular placements of students, registrars, trainees and interns within our practices. The Network relates to the “Sturt Fleurieu” and “Adelaide to Outback” GPET programs and the Flinders University General Practice Parallel Rural Community Curriculum.

Significant demographic changes in the past decade include: 25% of general practitioners in the Network are now overseas trained (from none in 1995); the ratio of female GPs has increased from 10% to 30%; and the average age of the GP population has increased, with 15% of GPs reaching retiring age in the next five years.

The estimated population of the region based on ABS figures in 2013 was 37401. Over half of this number live in or around the Rural City of Murray Bridge with the remainder living in small townships or on rural properties.

There are five Local Governments within the area: Murray Bridge (RC), The Coorong (DC), Southern Mallee (DC), Karoonda East Murray (DC) and part of the Mid Murray (DC).

About 4.2% of the population identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. The ATSI population is based in the Murray Bridge and the Coorong LGAs, the traditional lands of the Narrindjeri people. Other culturally diverse groups include refugees who have been resettled in the area and migrant families who have been recruited to address workforce shortages.

    map of the Murray Mallee